Can You Help My Stretch Marks Go Away?

You haven’t been afraid to live your life, but living with no regrets can leave a mark on your body sometimes. You’re glad you had kids, for instance, but now maybe you have stretch marks reminding you of how your body changed.

Or maybe you grew quickly during puberty, and your skin expanded so fast that it left stretch marks across your back.

Whatever the case, you just want to know: Can someone help get rid of your stretch marks?

At Skin Med Spa, we’re excited to answer that question with a resounding yes! Here’s how.

What is the Lumenis® Photofractionallaser treatment?

The Lumenis Photofractional laser treatment is a noninvasive method we use to improve the appearance of stretch marks on your body. It’s a quick, easy treatment that lets you stop in on your lunch break, for instance, for your next session. There’s no downtime afterward, and you’re free to continue your day.

How does it work?

This skin rejuvenation treatment consists of two different parts: an Intense Pulsed Light technology that removes unwanted pigment and blood vessels from the skin, and the ResurFX fractional laser, which stimulates the production of new collagen and elastic fibers deeper underneath your skin.

The IPL treatment is the key to removing the appearance of your old stretch marks, while the ResurFX treatment helps restore the youthful, vital appearance of your skin. New collagen is the best way to rejuvenate your skin.

Because this is a fractional, non-ablative treatment, it is the best possible technology available for skin resurfacing. Fractional means it’s only treating a fraction, or a small part, of the skin, while non-ablative means it doesn’t destroy (ablate) the skin cells.

What does that mean for you? You’ll get targeted results with minimal treatment and recovery time. You’ll experience less swelling, redness, and peeling than with traditional lasers.

What results should I expect?

After your first treatment session, you should begin to notice an improvement in your skin tone and pigmentation. Because the deep collagen regeneration takes time, you’ll experience optimal results after three to five sessions with two- to six-week intervals between treatments.

You’re also likely to continue to see improvement in your skin appearance up to six months after you finish treatment. If you want to continue experiencing the rejuvenating effects of the treatment, we suggest coming in annually for an update session.

To find out if the Lumenis Photofractional treatment will be effective for you, schedule an appointment with our expert Skin Med Spa team by calling our office or requesting an appointment with our convenient online scheduler.

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