Facials Specialist

Skin Med Spa
Medical Spa & Aesthetic Laser Services located in Downers Grove, IL
Sun spots, wrinkles, and other signs of aging can diminish your self-confidence. If you desire smoother, revitalized skin without downtime, the practitioners at Skin Med Spa in Downers Grove, Illinois, have solutions. They offer custom facials that reveal the younger-looking skin you long for. Schedule a consultation with Skin Med Spa over the phone or online to get started today.
What are facials?
Facials are skin-beautifying treatments in which your provider uses special equipment or products to remove your skin’s outer layer, nourish skin, and revitalize it to help you look and feel younger.
Custom facials at Skin Med Spa offer a unique, non-peeling “peel” direct from Italy that pairs trichloroacetic acid (TCA) with hydrogen peroxide to repair and plump skin, and stimulate collagen production. Your facial might also include extraction, other types of exfoliation, and nourishing, hydrating serums.
What are facials used for?
Getting a facial at Skin Med Spa can improve multiple skin conditions, including:
- Acne
- Scars
- Stretch marks
- Texture imperfections
- Loose or sagging skin
- Fine lines
- Wrinkles
- Rough skin
- Age spots
- Uneven skin tone
Facials are noninvasive but can produce dramatic anti-aging results. They often make an excellent lunchtime procedure.
Is a facial right for me?
Facials at Skin Med Spa are safe and effective for all skin complexions. To find out which type of custom facial is right for you, Skin Med Spa experts review your medical history, examine your skin, and discuss your desired results.
What happens during a facial?
During a facial at Skin Med Spa, you relax in a comfortable chair. Your provider cleans your skin, may complete extraction to remove blackheads and whiteheads, and applies trichloroacetic acid solution to your skin to penetrate outer skin layers and remove damaged skin cells. They rinse off the solution and may apply a protective ointment to your skin.
What should I expect after my facial?
After a facial, you might experience some redness or a youthful glow. Skin continues to heal and regenerate new cells over the next week or two. Your provider lets you know which skincare products to use after a facial.
Make sure to protect your skin from the sun and schedule follow-up treatments or routine maintenance facials when necessary. Skin Med Spa specialists might combine custom facials with additional anti-aging procedures, such as Botox®, Jeuveau®, or dermal fillers, to offer you the best outcome.
Don’t live with signs of aging that make you feel less than confident. Schedule a consultation with Skin Med Spa over the phone or online to receive a custom facial today.
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