PDO Threads Specialist

Skin Med Spa
Medical Spa & Aesthetic Laser Services located in Downers Grove, IL
If you experience sagging, loose skin or other signs of aging but want to avoid cosmetic surgery, polydioxanone (PDO) threads are a nonsurgical solution. At Skin Med Spa, the practitioners offer PDO thread lifts at their Downers Grove, Illinois, office. To experience younger-looking skin without downtime, schedule a PDO thread consultation with Skin Med Spa over the phone or online today.
PDO Threads
What are PDO threads?
Skin Med Spa providers use PDO, or polydioxanone, threads during noninvasive facelift procedures. Your aesthetic specialist places threads in your skin to lift it and achieve facial tightening without surgery.
PDO threads stimulate your body’s natural healing response by increasing collagen and elastin production. PDO threads, or sutures, are made of biocompatible materials that get safely reabsorbed by your body over time.
What are the benefits of PDO thread lifts?
By choosing PDO threads at Skin Med Spa, you can reap numerous aesthetic benefits, including:
- Smoother, tighter skin
- Fewer lines and wrinkles
- Reductions in loose, sagging skin
- More collagen and elastin
- Firmer, lifted skin
With PDO lifts, you experience younger-looking, revitalized skin without surgery, incisions, anesthesia, or downtime. The technique is also more cost-effective and carries a lower risk of complications when compared with traditional face-lift procedures.
Are PDO thread lifts right for me?
Your Skin Med Spa provider lets you know if a PDO thread lift is right for you after reviewing your medical history and examining your skin. They also discuss your expectations and desired outcome.
Your aesthetic specialist might recommend combining ultrasound treatment or skin resurfacing procedures with PDO threads to help you maximize anti-aging results.
What should I expect during the procedure?
When you arrive at Skin Med Spa for a nonsurgical facelift, you relax in a comfortable chair. Your provider numbs the treatment area so you don’t feel any discomfort during treatment. They use a thin instrument to insert threads just below your skin.
The procedure is simple, fast, and painless. It typically takes just 30-45 minutes to complete, making thread lifts excellent lunchtime procedures.
What happens after PDO thread treatment?
After treatment, there’s no downtime, so you can resume a normal everyday routine right away. The threads remain in place for about 4-6 months and slowly dissolve over time.
Thread lift results can last a year or longer, as collagen continues to rebuild. Periodic maintenance treatments help you achieve long-lasting results.
Don’t live with loose skin, wrinkles, and other signs of aging or undergo invasive surgery when you don’t have to. Schedule a PDO thread lift consultation with the experts at Skin Med Spa over the phone or online today.
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