I Have a Tattoo That I Don't Like: Can You Remove It?

I Have a Tattoo That I Don't Like: Can You Remove It?

You may have noticed that we often go through different phases in our lives. Every now and then you’ll look back at where you were a few years ago and remark on how things were so different.

If you’re one of the 30% of Americans who have a tattoo from one of those different phases of your life, you may now look at your tattoo every day and wonder what you were thinking. Maybe you now want to present a more professional appearance, or maybe you just want to get rid of your ex’s name on your arm.

Whatever the reason may be, your goal is clear: You want to know if it’s possible to have your tattoo removed.

The short answer is yes. Board-certified practitioners Barbara Kowalczyk and Michael Fressola and our excellent team at Skin Med Spa can remove your tattoo with our Lumenis Tattoo Removal System! Here’s the long answer to better explain how it works:

How does Lumenis work?

A tattoo is made up of solid-colored particles, so the idea behind tattoo removal technology is to break up those pigment particles with a high-intensity laser beam. At Skin Med Spa, we use the Lumenis Tattoo Removal System to effectively and safely remove your tattoos.

Different tattoos may require different types of lasers to remove them, depending on the kind of ink, the color of ink, and the depth of the tattoo. Black ink absorbs all wavelengths, so it’s the easiest color to treat. Lumenis’ Q-switch technology enables these transitions to happen easily and quickly.  We’ll cover all this with you in your initial consultation as we put together a treatment plan based on the age, size, and color of your tattoo, as well as how deep the pigment goes.

Ultra-short laser pulses enable intense and rapid heating that causes sudden thermal expansion as the ink breaks into tiny particles with an audible popping sound caused by a shock wave. These tiny fragments will then be absorbed by your body over time. The pigment treated will gradually become shallower with more time and more treatments until it fades away. 

What happens after treatment?

Immediately after your removal session, you should use an ice pack to cool and calm the area that has been treated. You should also apply an antibiotic cream to prevent infection, and be sure to wear sunblock when you’re outside.

Because the lasers can target individual cells so effectively, the skin cells surrounding the tattoo will not be damaged. It isn’t likely your entire tattoo will be removed so that no trace remains, and it’s possible the treated area could remain lighter or darker than the rest of the skin around it.

To lessen the chances of any complications, problems, or infections, make sure you use a qualified provider from a dermatologist’s office or a cosmetic skin center. At Skin Med Spa, board-certified practitioners Barbara Kowalczyk and Michael Fressola and their staff will be able to provide the excellent care you’re expecting. 

When you’re ready to discuss tattoo removal, get in touch with our team, and we’ll build a customized plan based on your individual situation. Call our office, or request an appointment with our online scheduler, and we’ll get your consultation on the books right away!

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